Tuesday, March 21

Teacher Ong & Me, Xmas Morning 05
My Blog My Blog!!!

Well, I finally did it! lalala... After like wat- a year?
As alwiz, stuff like these are created when you have an essay due the next day and are aleady extremely drained from looking at it like a gazillion times. haha...

What's in a rose, that by any other name would smell as sweet? (in other words, why do we need names?)

Yup, it's called.... Advertisement! I know tt I can't avoid it, but I'm like the most indecisive person in Singapore. We discussed "The Tazmanian Devil" but I'm not from Tazmania lah, and can you imagine ppl calling you "Hey Taz!" or "Hey Devil!????" Kinda funny at first but I'm not quite sure it'll be as funny 20 years down the road. Then I can imagine going into a meeting with the PM or something, "advocating" for the World Salsa Congress and i get introduced as "The Tazmanian Devil" coz I can spin... (crows dropping from the sky) Nah, it's cute but unless I wanna spin crazily around the room and make funny "herlgph gaa gaa" Tazmanian voices with my tongue sticking out till I'm 70, I think I'll stick to simple YanQing for now...

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