Saturday, March 25

I was very (absurdly) happy this afternoon. Went to buy 3 carton load of canned drinks from the minimart. The uncle who owned the shop choked when he saw me carrying all 3 cartons up to him. Haha... He said, "Wah you're very strong!" and scrambled to clear some space for me to put them on the counter. Haha, cheap thrill...

Anyway, it makes me think. Many times, things aren't really as difficult as they seem to be. I din even consider that maybe I couldn't carry them and it wasn't really that heavy. But if someone told me it was really heavy & all, I'll probably not try to lift all 3... So I guess the saying's true (though probably not all the time lah), that if you believe, you can do it...

I must therefore now believe that I can do all my essays in time and produce a good one!! *Ommmmmmmm*

It's so funny: the simplest things make you the happiest - the absurd way the ppl in Friends try to cover up for each other; the stupid things you do to make ppl around you laugh; swaying to the beat of good music; the satisfaction of teaching a good class; the surge of pleasure to see your student hit an "eureka" moment and breakthrough in their dancing; the wild thrill and adrendaline surge after doing a great performance. These things money can't buy... But our lives are constantly enriched by it. Feelin' Blessed, but there's still a long way to go... A lot to live and to learn. Yep yep... Life goes on, crawling along.

Went to Union today. Din feel the kick I felt last week, but it went pretty ok lah. Four ppl asked me about classes... Shine seemed to be a hot topic. Talking about shine, I saw this MTV featuring Shakira doing some amazing belly stuff. *inspired*

Gosh better hit the bed or I'll be sprawled on the sofa tomm at 7pm wif my mouth hanging wide open again!!

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