Tuesday, January 23

My Journey

By Yanqing, 22/01/07

Many people who have come into Xenbar have undergone miraculous changes. I will not try to sum up the whole extend of all those changes, but I will attempt to describe my journey.

In my two and a half years there, I’ve blossomed from a toot and blur little girl to a happy, confident and skillful person. I’ve never had much ambition in life, and always had a vague idea that God would know what He wanted me to do and send me to do it. Little did I know that He had big dreams for me; dreams that I did not even fathom of dreaming. Of course, God was smart. He knew that I would freak out if I knew, or my head would swell so big with that thought that He didn’t bother to let me know. Instead, he sent me a miracle. A miracle of a man who could see a part of His plan such that he could guide me down that path. That man had the facilities and the resources to fulfill His plans for me. One month into my training, He sent an invite from Thailand and charted me on my course to dance overseas; something I never even dreamed or considered was possible. Don’t ask me why, maybe I’m a girl and a romantic, but my journey as a dancer is one long miraculous ride. I mean I work hard and have loads of fun along the way. I’ve found the man of my dreams and achieved many things that I never asked for but was bestowed upon me… A girl can’t ask for more that that right?

Many people wonder why I’m pursing dance as my career. They’re astonished and express regret that I decided not to pursue my honors degree just to dance. But honestly, I didn’t choose my career; it fell upon my lap and I would have been stupid not to pursue it. Hey, you only live once anyway. And now that I’m in this, I’ve never been happier. I love what I’m doing, and I’ve grown so much as a person and a character. I still have so much more to grow, and I can’t wait to see what He has for me next.

“Oh that you would bless us indeed, and enlarge our territories, that your hand would be with us, and that your would keep us away from evil, that we may not cause pain!” – 1 Chronicles 4:10

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