Tuesday, September 12

RAG 2006

It's been a looooooooong time since I've updated this thingy... Many things have happened. I've changed my phone to a pda and have no clue how to use its functions... yeah I do know how to use the schedule planner, alarm clock, actual telephone, blah blah blah, but the emails, radio... well, I've got many years to learn I guess... haha It's ironic how technology's supposed to save you time and make things more convenient for you, but I spend a couple of hours a day waiting for the damn thing to work... I wonder if I add up the time spent waiting for it to upload, download... how long could it be.

We did rag this year within 2 weeks again, as alwiz... But it's finally done... Quite tiring but a super good experience. Lots of fun, although sometimes I feel that as leader, you don't quite enjoy so much coz while they are having fun, I'm ransacking my brain how to fit everything together... hmmm. Must learn how to enjoy more, stress less. haha
Great fun, I made sure I took lots of pix (or as many as I can). We did 4 performances this year man!! Talk about making full use of the dance... Rag, public display, DnD. haha Anyway these bunch of people are super loads of fun to be with... Sometimes I forget how enjoyable it is to juz talk nonsense n no need to put on a professional front. =)

Something wrong wif the downloading. I'll put up the pix next time... for the memories!

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