Tuesday, March 28

Had a presentation today... Wasn't quite coherrent during the presentation, teacher kept frowning, I thot she disagreed wif me or I said something wrong... But she kept frowning and frowning and frowning, I decided that it wasn't my fault. Hmm think the Q & A was pretty good thou. Hee hee... The class was pretty obliging. *whew*

That left me exhausted thou... Then had tourism tutorial wif Douglas. Pretty interesting. He mentioned about how people can just walk across the street, sit among caucasians and become a tourist, even in their own country, which led to the thing about multiple identities and how people seem to have so many identities in the different things they do.
Life seems to have become faceted into many different fragments... Does this make us lost and instigate us to embark on quests to "find" ourselves (as in tours and hobbies...)? My students agree wif me when I say sensual and belly dance helps you to discover and explore your sensual side. Are there so many sides to us that needs to be discovered? Is this the process to self-actualization?
Furthermore, going into a trance when you dance... what does it mean? When we sucuumb to our subconscious state of mind, when we surrender to the music and just feel, do we allow one of those multiple identies to dominate? Are we subconsciously embarking on a quest to find ourselves (whereby the only time we are truly ourselves is when we do not think and go into a trance-like state of just being and not trying to be)?
But these multiple identies are not so fragmented... It's still interconnected: I dance, I teach, I help run a dance school, I study... These are all my 'titles' and I use the right title in the right context, in business, social, class. So is this about marketing and capitalism - for people to put us into categories that are easy to remember, especially in this day and age - rather than a segmented life/lifestyle?
*ponder* Probably a bit of both... I dunno, but it's also kinda fun to have so many 'identities' (call it what you may). Makes life a little more interesting.

Haiz... Think I'm a pretty boring person. Need to work on my lousy communication skills.
How to start a conversation:
  1. How's the weather today?
  2. How was work?
  3. How was class?
  4. What do you like to do?
  5. Do you like dancing?
  6. lalalalalala.... Boooooooooooooooooring

Think I'll stick to this:

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