Thursday, October 20

30 Years from Now...

Young people tend to live in the now.  Our lives are revolved around today and at this present moment.  Many times, we just do what feels best now.  I find that whenever I succumb to my feelings in the present, I often miss out on the good that I could have done at that moment for my future.

There's a popular quote from the bible: So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.  I'm not actually contradicting this quote, and I'm not saying that we should worry about tomorrow.  What I'm saying is that we should always keep in mind that our actions today will affect our tomorrows.  Throwing temper at a loved one today could result in many unpleasant tomorrows.  Not completing a crucial task today may result in a very stressed tomorrow.

Someone wise just told me recently... always think 30 years.  30 years from now, what do you see yourself doing?  Where do you see yourself going?  He said that young people tend to be influenced by present feelings, emotions and talk from themselves and friends.  These may lead to decisions that seem good and logical in the short run (it settles a short term problem), but may be harmful in the long run (it may affect what you become in the future).  By thinking 30 years ahead, it can help you to keep on the path that you want to get on, and it can help you to make the right decisions and not be easily swayed by the easy solution that can solve short term problems but be detrimental to you in the long run.

So think about it:
What kind of person do you see yourself as, 30 years from now?
Who do you see yourself (friends? family?) surrounded by 30 years from now?
What do you see yourself doing 30 years from now?
And 30 years from now, would you have been pleased that you made this decision or would you have regretted your choice?

I think it's worth a thought. =)

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