Saturday, April 8

Interesting quote:
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.
But I can't decide if it's a cynical and ironic tone or positively brimming with "making the best of things". If any, I choose the latter. So I must add an exclaimation mark at the end...
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!

Sometimes I feel that we are all trying so hard in this world that there are times we aren't sure if what we're doing is rite. And we are not aware that we fall into habits... As Principal Ong says (did I mentioned tt he has been 'upgraded'?), we're creatures of habit. We alwiz fall back on what we are most comfortable in doing. What I'll call our instincts. We all have certain instincts that are honed and tuned, some more than others. If we have the habit of lying to others, we will tend to fall back on lying when we're in a fix. It's not that we want to lie, but lying comes so naturally to us that it becomes our instinct to do so. if this is true, then we hafta constantly ensure that we are disciplining ourselves to be the kind of person we wanna be. Alwiz stop & check from time to time to check that we are molding ourselves to be a person wif good character. Call me kiasu, but i think this has greater consequences than we give it credit for. I dun wanna to 'wake up' 5 years later and wonder what kind of person I've become & how did it happen. Some things are better to play safe. After all, I only live once, better make sure I enjoy every moment of it. Of course, there are moments when we all have to let our hair down, but alwiz gotta keep ourselves in check and not sway off the delicate equilibrium. Therefore I must be careful to hone the good instincts, not those that may be detrimental to my life...
I like being stupid... Keekee. Issit a good instinct to hone? I wonder...
Unfortunately, it's not too professional. It may become an occupational hazzard if I act stupid all the time... Wait I really become stupid how???? Ah... toking nonsense...

I'm beginning to realize the trueness of a common saying,it goes something like this: "Your friends shape who you are"... Many times I've realized that the people I'm wif influence the attitude I adopt. Different people and I've got a different attitude. What can I say, I've not been much of a trendsetter, an obedient koala...

Now, when I'm expected to lead people, I do see the trends... The situational factors are important (forgive my organizational lingo)... I've seen people's attitudes change as different ppl influence them... This doesn't do much harm by itself, but I'm becoming aware that we often hafta analyze and see if that influence is necessarily good... Long term and short.
Building Xen has not been a bed of roses (lots of ups and downs, lots of manual work), but it's definitely been really worth it to see the club grow. Of course there's alwiz set backs, but tt's how we learn. Personally, I'm fortunate to find a good friend that has let me grow and learn. Experiences like that are repulsive at first thought (short term), but really rewarding in hindsight (long term). I think we've been truly blessed, and I definitely pray for greater blessings! What can I say? When you pray for a true friend, God certainly sends a high-quality one. I mean, hell, I din even noe what I was asking for, but he knew. Haha... And my gosh, did my life explode!

And as I reach the same time of the year - the dreaded exams and essays are due - I wonder... How did I get through the previous sems... And will I get through this sem in one whole, healthy and blessed piece? I sure hope so!!!


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