We saw Take the Lead the other day, I all but drooled at their Argentine Tango... Funny, but I realize that I'm alwiz captured by the intensity and passion when I watch the dances. Pure technicality has never really wowed me as much as the sheer intense passion that shines through in the dance. It's the same in Burn the Floor, Dance with Me and all the others. The showmanship stops my breath in its tracks. It fills me with awe and an amazing fire that juz simmers after watching the dances. I mean, they can juz stand there and not move a single strand of hair but still make the tiny hairs at the back of my neck stand in delicious anticipation of the first step. I mean, such passion! Such life! Such intensity! Ohmigosh I wanna dance like that. Haiz... OK I'm gonna do argentine tango after my exams! Haha I'm glad Xen has like everything...
Anyway, I think Antonio B captured the essence of dancing very well in his explanation to the board of education. Now the thing is how do I explain, or better yet, show this to our students? How do I explain to them that they need to fully understand the dance to feel its life? How do I tell them that everytime you dance and I mean really dance, not juz go through motions, you put your heart on your sleeve and bare your soul to everyone who sees. The dance can be an exuberrent celebration of being alive, an intense passionate uncontrollable emotion, a painful heart-wrenching release.... Whatever it is, it's personnal and emotional. How to teach that?
Now I wonder how to bring this life and passion into my studies... It's really difficult to inject such zest inside if you dun experience the stuff you study and live in it. It's also difficult when you realize that the real world's so so different with many challenges that you were never prepared for in school. Who talks about Marx, Weber and Durkheim? They do expand your knowledge but sometimes it's juz not practical. Sometimes I feel that university education leaves you with the expectation of being better than others because you went thru all these additional years that they didn't. But many times I feel more stupid... *shrug*
1 comment:
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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