Tuesday, June 18

Student Performance Jun 2013

Haven't blogged in a long while, let's check out if the writing muscles are still there.   We had our latest student recital over the weekend...

Amazingly, after all these years of performing, I can still get excited over our recital and performances.  I think it’s because I like doing the choreography and dancing to the music... And the hidden exhibitionist in me is excited to legitimately shed it’s protective covering.  Or maybe it’s the fact that I get to immerse myself in dancing and performing rather than just watching, correcting and teaching.  Although I really do enjoy teaching, there are times when just dancing happily ‘without a care in the world’ can be so soothing for the soul.

The minor glitch with certain customers before the show helped to feed my emotions as I poured my frustrations in the dance in the first segment.  And that’s one of the main reasons why dancing is so addictive. Whatever probelms you’re facing or overwhelming emotions that you are facing that day, you can just throw it away temporarily, forget about past things that happened, and not worrying about the future.  Dancing is a very NOW thing.  Although it’s less so with the invention of videos, to fully experience and appreciate dance, it must occur in the Now.  It’s a very physical and present thing that consumes your energy and focus.  It’s a wonderful distraction and if you know how to, a great way to channel excess energies and frustration away.

After these few weeks of feeling slightly overwhelmed and slightly inferior to many people in my life (dun ask why I just do sometimes... Maybe it's to remind me of my humility), even discouraged by my inability to handle things, I realize one thing, that I truly have been blessed and graced in the dance and teaching department.  That even though I dun quite know what I’m doing sometimes, it works out great and I’m constantly learning.  If anything, teaching challenges me to be a better person, to encourage, support and motivate people to do things that they may not think they would do, but then surprise themselves in the end.  That in itself is a great reward and money can’t buy that kind of joy we have.  In conclusion, I see this: my world may be small, and  my influence not that great, but the lives that I touch, I try my best to nurture and I do see the changes in their lives.  If anything, I understand one thing: everyone wants someone to care and someone to love.  It may not be romance but it can be family. We may not like each other all the time, but we love and we care for one another and we're willing to sort out our differences.  That’s what makes the difference.

Surprisingly, I was excited about the performance tonight.  Maybe because I liked the dances I did, or because there were many newbies in the group and I was excited for them, but I felt great: young and new again... or maybe it was that I simply got the chance to show my love of dance to others...

 Although the show went by in a flash, the actual performances kinda went like slow motion for me; I actualy had time to think of doing the right expression, the next step, etc.  It’s kinda weird that I didn’t feel it go rushing by as I usually do.  But it made the fun more complete as I got the time to savor the dances.  Role playing was rather fun and I must say that it’s been a while since I did that, making me savor it more.

As a whole, this bunch of students have been a joy to teach and see them grow.  We had many great laughs and fun times that I'll cherish... =)