Wednesday, March 28

Just came back from KL trip!!! It was great fun dancing away with all the KL ppl and meeting up with them again... More about it next time. Here are some photos...
Look!! I have abs! Too bad my face is covered with hair...
Group pix at QBar

Me & Ethan

Our Birthday gal in the house!

Friday, March 2

Girls and Make Up

I recall that make up used to be a hassle. Firstly, it took a lot of time. Secondly, I looked weird after making up because I looked different. Third, I didn't know what I was doing and so I looked funny after I put those stuff on my face. All this excludes the hassle of removing the layers of paint on my face. I didn't like to put make up. I didn't realise it then, but it was because I didn't know how to do it properly so I thought looking natural was probably the best coz make up looked fake on my face.

Little did I know that I just felt insecure about making up because I didn't know how to do it. Then Teacher Ong told me something: Making up is like dressing up for a business meeting. It's being polite and professional, and it's grooming. You don't wear T-shirts and shorts into an important job interview right? You make sure you've had a bath and brush your teeth before appearing before an important client. Similarly, making up is just a part of grooming. It shows that you care to dress properly and groom yourself properly for the occasion; i.e., the meeting is important enough that you took the time to prepare yourself for it. Also, you're showing that you respect your client or boss by taking care to groom yourself properly.

A friend once told me that his student wore a blazer and tie to a talk by an entrepreneur, while others simply wore t-shirts and berms (it was a talk held in school). The entrepreneur later told him that he was the only one whom he gave his name card to because he bothered to dress properly. Although making up will not be as significant as dressing properly, it is part of grooming. A person who looks polished and immaculate will alwiz tend to look more confident and put together than one who looks messy.

All this made sense to me... Making up is a part of grooming, much like styling your hair or choosing the proper clothes to wear. I think it is important to learn how to do it properly just so that we know how to do it when the need arises. That's why we conduct free weekly makeup classes for our students in Actfa. It's a place for them to learn how to do proper make up and also to experiment with different styles so that they know what suits them best. And now that I know a little more about make up, I'm not so scared of making up. After all, we have so many performances that I have lots of practice!

Of course, making up is a good skill to master but we can't depend on it. When I started learning how to do it, I used to make up everyday before I went out... I started thinking that I looked ugly, sallow and pale without makeup. Then Teacher Ong said this: "It's important to learn how to make up, but it's also important not to be dependent on it". I know that many gals feel sort of naked on the face without make up on and are less confident without it, but I think it's crucial not to be dependent on it and know that what's the most important is what's inside, not what's outside. The outer apearance is important to create a good first impression on others, but ultimately what's important is the inner beauty. I know some people are totally against make up, some people never leave home without it...

Personally, I think that make up can create a good impression coz a woman who bothers to groom herself respects others by making herself look presentable. Of course, the inner beauty is still the most important thing, but making up has its benefits so why not use it to your advantage? Of course, I use it only when I have to... Most of the time, I'm too lazy to make up everyday especially if I have to teach a lot and perspire buckets all over my make up. So I learn to do it for business meetings, presentations, performances and to look professional, but I don't wear it if I have to... Too Lazy lah. Haha...