Thursday, December 21

Dances at Kallang
Believe it or not, we did *drumroll*…. 26 performances on Saturday night at Kallang Theatre!!!! Whew… Fantastic man ppl!

1) Gimme – Rozana
2) Lady social dance at thumper
3) Kyo n Natalie
4) I Have a Dream – Yanling
5) Manfred n Rozana
6) Social dance Rueda
7) Xenbeat – 4 Hiphop gals
8) Tango new
9) Ballet class
10) Belly Salsa
11) Advance Rueda
12) Bachata
13) Funky Monkeys – Hiphop group
14) Sharleen n Natalie
15) Nigel n Grace
16) Ms Ho
17) Jazz
18) Tango Old
19) Terrence n Melanie
20) On2
21) Shines
22) Derek n Lyn
23) On1
24) Pink Panther
25) Melanie
26) Jian Yang n Yanqing
Testimonials for the Singapore Salsa Congress 2006...

I had a fabulous time participating in the Singapore Salsa Congress 2006. The overseas instructors and participants had a different style of dancing and it was an eye-opener for me as I saw the way they danced Bachata, Reggaeton, Chacha and of course, Salsa! I love dancing with the overseas dancers because it feels so different from dancing with those in Singapore. It's like the same Salsa, but with a different sauce or flavor to it!

Ministry of Sound was super big! The ambience was different from the smaller clubs that we're used to, and it was so crowded that people even resorted to dancing on the podiums! The music was great, and the people were all clearly enjoying themselves. I had the opportunity to go into the VIP room, and I could see all the salsa dancers strutting their stuff from there; the flavor's hot!

The standard of the Open Salsa competition was great! The top two couples were really proficient in what they did, and I certainly enjoyed watching them perform. It's so cool to watch how creative they are, and the showmanship was vavoomph! It blew me away!

Everyone I spoke to enjoyed the show at Kallang. The performers really enjoyed doing the show too. The energy was so high after that, we all went back to Xenbar, gobbled the food, and resumed dancing till the wee hours of the morning!

I think this congress was truly a once in a lifetime experience for me. It was great to meet new people to dance with, to do all the performances, and to catch up with old friends you don't see often! I'm so proud to be a part of this congress, words can't describe it! Heehee...
The Singapore Salsa Congress 2006

It was soooo fun!!! I met so many foreign artistes and dancers! Cynthia conducted 6 workshops! Reggaeton was cool… It’s time to introduce that to Singapore. You can tell the differences between the countries: Taiwan is big on Reggae and Afro, and I love their Bachata! The way they merged their traditional folk dance with Salsa is also cool… I wonder if there’s a Singapore dance we can combine into Salsa? Joseph’s songs are to die for… He has a great taste for the music, and there’s lotsa variety in them, and all nice to dance to… Heehee! I can’t wait for Taiwan and Hong Kong Fest next year! *saving money*

I also danced with Sohel from Sydney, Jaxon and Fasil from KL… Very smooth dancers with a certain style of their own… Very charming, I must say. Albert from LA is a great lead, with a unique style of his own. His contrasts of slow and fast moves are my favorite type of dance style to watch, coz you never get bored. He also takes care of the gal very well, so no worries ladies! He very kindly taught a 2 hour Salsa class for us today at Thumper… Oh, did anyone watch his tango? Oohlala *drool*

Although I didn’t get to dance or see much of the dancing, being busy running around, it felt that everyone was enjoying themselves, dancing away. I saw great, big smiles everywhere. MOS was so crowded that people were dancing on the podiums! Yeah, the floor was not the very best of floors to dance, but who cares! We were all there to meet and dance with all the people, and boy did we all dance.

Thumper was great! The music was blaring, and we did a great Rueda performance there, despite not being able to hear properly. There was just barely enough space to perform the moves, haha! I liked that rueda performance… Mel, Terrence, Grace, Nigel, Arvind, Lucy, GeikLee, they all also put on fabulous shows for the competition. I was so proud watching how much effort they put in and how much they had improved!

I think this is one of the greatest accomplishments so far, having put up so many different performances (about 12 group dances in total?) this time around. I have to say, I’m so glad to be a part of this festival, where I can get to meet new friends from all over the world, catch up and dance with old friends from other countries, and dance together with all my Xen buddies in the performances. We put on a great show, and I can’t wait to watch the DVD!
Singapore Salsa Congress 2006 - Thank Yous

Yay!!!! We did it! I had great fun at the Singapore Salsa Congress!!! Whew! What a hectic 7 days... As organizers, we were running around so much making sure that things were going as smoothly as possible that my first social dance was on Friday; on the 5th day! And since I was mainly in charge of the performances, I didn't really get to meet the overseas artistes or danced with them until nearly the end of the congress. There were performances every night except on Friday, and I counted... in total, I did 25 performances that week! Heehee...

I'm super duper proud of all our performers. Gosh, they really put in a lot of effort to put on great shows, and they did it! Even staying until 4am in the morning on the day of the performance didn't deter them from turning up at 10am for workshops on Sat and putting on a fabulous show that night! Did I say I'm super proud of them? It's like a mama hen preening her feathers. Haha... Of course, rehearsals were crazy and I felt like a shrew ordering them around the entire 2 weeks, but I think it was a fantastic experience. They really dedicated their 2 weeks to me, and I'm really honoured to have such troopers by my side. These ppl are a bunch of super cool ppl to dance with, and boy can they dance! I'm amazed I survived the week without falling apart at the seams. The week certainly flew by, and I dare say that this congress is one of the most exhilarating times of my life... Guys, I'm sure you'll agree: we put in sweat, blood and bruises into this show. It paid off, and the result was amazing.

To the Performers:
I love you guys. You were really beautiful out there. From the quick costume changes - stripping backstage and all - to the dedication and hard work, and standing by every night for run throughs and performances, you guys are really great! Although I looked constipated and stressed, I enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks for such a wonderful time and a fantastic performance!

To the Backstage Crew:
Lighting, sound and backstage manager - AhFu, Bernie, Nat, plus all the runners like Small James, GeikLee, Ariel, etc; Costume ppl - Defelyn, Ivy, Nat, etc... Thanks so much guys, for putting in that extra (last minute) work. You were all amazing. Thanks for screaming at everybody else that day. Haha... It sure paid off! Hugz...

Special Thanks:
Emma, Mary Yatti, Emma's Brother, Big James - for all the supporting work you guys did throughout the week. It didn't go unappreciated!
Mummy, Daddy and Jie - thanks for all your support and SMSes!!! I Looove You lots... My mummy's the best and most supportive mum anyone could have. She's a miracle worker! Haha...

Last but certainly not the Least,
Principal Ong, my amazing teacher - You told me I could do it... & I did it! We did it!!!! Hugz, Muakz, Luv Ya...

Sigh, God's so good.